Welcome to the Art of Sara Balbin
Dragonfly Studio in Drummond, Wisconsin
Whether combining steel, rock and flame or applying oils on leather and canvas, the artistry of Sara Balbin reflects the diversity of the family of man and the natural environment that surrounds her northwestern Wisconsin studio.
Her large public sculptures are well known in the Cable area of Northern Wisconsin. While her more intimate expressions in smaller figurative steel sculptures demonstrate a diversity of vision and talent for tools.
In the words of the artist, “Whether working in oils or metal, I strive to explore the integrity of mankind and the environment.” Balbin continued, “My sculptures reflect nature and the fluid motion of the human form. To better incorporate my sculptures into an earthy setting, I use glacially deposited rocks, animal images and found artifacts”.
Her interior and exterior landscape sculptures are designed to play with the natural light of the environment creating short and long shadows with the changing of the seasons.