Thank you for visiting my new web page. As an artist I hope to utilize this more user friendly photo blog format to frequently update the images and information from Dragonfly Studio. This site is a work in progress at the moment and for that matter will always be a work in progress as new creations emerge from my studio.
Visit often to find posts on my recent and developing works, art shows, gallery updates and general bits of information from my creative world. As the warmth of spring finally arrives in the north land, I am excited about the renewed opportunities to get outside and wrestle steel. I’ve been busy all winter designing new pieces. Now its time to come outside again, fire up the plasma cutter, oxy/actelyne torch, my new TIG welder and the grinders to see what new creations lie hidden in the steel plates.

Wrestling steel in the northland
In addition to new sculptural adventures, I’ve freshened up my oil painting palette and am frequently putting brush to canvas in anticipation of several shows this coming season. Watch for blog posts on new paintings currently in the works.
Thanks for your continued support and encouragement. I am fortunate to have such an appreciative audience for my creative efforts. As an artist your appreciation for what I do is great motivation to keep the creative juices flowing.
More to come – check back often
Sara Balbin from Dragonfly Studio
Sarah – I bought your metal sculpture “Grace ” at your studio a couple years ago. After showing it to some of my garden club members, they are interested in a conversation about a possible piece for our 75th anniversary here in Mahtomedi. It would not be hugh as they are thinking of it in the middle of a native garden in the center of Mahtomedi. I would appreciate a contact if you are available.
Hi Nancy,
On Sara’s behalf I thank you for your note. The answer to your question about a commissioned piece for your 75th anniversary is dependent on the time frame of the request. Currently we have been adding no additional commission requests to Sara’s artistic work load as we work through a several year line up of larger commissioned work. Let’s continue the dialogue via direct email so we can gain a bit more information about what you are looking for and the time frame for completion. Direct email is Best regards, Gary Crandall for Sara at Dragonfly Studio